RPC Types
RPC types.
Type for RPC method.
Type for endpoint URI.
Option to limit the returned account data, only available for "base58" or "base64" encoding.
Source code in solana/rpc/types.py
class DataSliceOpts(NamedTuple):
"""Option to limit the returned account data, only available for "base58" or "base64" encoding."""
offset: int
"""Limit the returned account data using the provided offset: <usize>."""
length: int
"""Limit the returned account data using the provided length: <usize>."""
length: int
Limit the returned account data using the provided length:
offset: int
Limit the returned account data using the provided offset:
Option to compare a provided series of bytes with program account data at a particular offset.
Source code in solana/rpc/types.py
class MemcmpOpts(NamedTuple):
"""Option to compare a provided series of bytes with program account data at a particular offset."""
offset: int
"""Offset into program account data to start comparison: <usize>."""
bytes: str
"""Data to match, as base-58 encoded string: <string>."""
bytes: str
Data to match, as base-58 encoded string:
offset: int
Offset into program account data to start comparison:
RPC error.
Source code in solana/rpc/types.py
class RPCError(TypedDict):
"""RPC error."""
code: int
"""HTTP status code."""
message: str
"""Error message."""
Options when querying token accounts.
Provide one of mint or program_id.
Source code in solana/rpc/types.py
class TokenAccountOpts(NamedTuple):
"""Options when querying token accounts.
Provide one of mint or program_id.
mint: Optional[Pubkey] = None
"""Public key of the specific token Mint to limit accounts to."""
program_id: Optional[Pubkey] = None
"""Public key of the Token program ID that owns the accounts."""
encoding: str = "base64"
"""Encoding for Account data, either "base58" (slow) or "base64"."""
data_slice: Optional[DataSliceOpts] = None
"""Option to limit the returned account data, only available for "base58" or "base64" encoding."""
data_slice: Optional[solana.rpc.types.DataSliceOpts]
Option to limit the returned account data, only available for "base58" or "base64" encoding.
encoding: str
Encoding for Account data, either "base58" (slow) or "base64".
mint: Optional[solders.pubkey.Pubkey]
Public key of the specific token Mint to limit accounts to.
program_id: Optional[solders.pubkey.Pubkey]
Public key of the Token program ID that owns the accounts.
Options to specify when broadcasting a transaction.
Source code in solana/rpc/types.py
class TxOpts(NamedTuple):
"""Options to specify when broadcasting a transaction."""
skip_confirmation: bool = True
"""If false, `send_transaction` will try to confirm that the transaction was successfully broadcasted.
When confirming a transaction, `send_transaction` will block for a maximum of 30 seconds. Wrap the call
inside a thread to make it asynchronous.
skip_preflight: bool = False
"""If true, skip the preflight transaction checks."""
preflight_commitment: Commitment = Finalized
"""Commitment level to use for preflight."""
max_retries: Optional[int] = None
"""Maximum number of times for the RPC node to retry sending the transaction to the leader.
If this parameter not provided, the RPC node will retry the transaction until it is finalized
or until the blockhash expires.
last_valid_block_height: Optional[int] = None
"""Pass the latest valid block height here, to be consumed by confirm_transaction.
Valid only if skip_confirmation is False.
last_valid_block_height: Optional[int]
Pass the latest valid block height here, to be consumed by confirm_transaction. Valid only if skip_confirmation is False.
max_retries: Optional[int]
Maximum number of times for the RPC node to retry sending the transaction to the leader. If this parameter not provided, the RPC node will retry the transaction until it is finalized or until the blockhash expires.
preflight_commitment: <function NewType.<locals>.new_type at 0x7fe3374d7d30>
Commitment level to use for preflight.
skip_confirmation: bool
If false, send_transaction
will try to confirm that the transaction was successfully broadcasted.
When confirming a transaction, send_transaction
will block for a maximum of 30 seconds. Wrap the call
inside a thread to make it asynchronous.
skip_preflight: bool
If true, skip the preflight transaction checks.