Async Client
Async SPL Token program client.
An ERC20-like Token.
Source code in spl/token/
class AsyncToken(_TokenCore): # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
"""An ERC20-like Token."""
def __init__(self, conn: AsyncClient, pubkey: Pubkey, program_id: Pubkey, payer: Keypair) -> None:
"""Initialize a client to a SPL-Token program."""
super().__init__(pubkey, program_id, payer)
self._conn = conn
async def get_min_balance_rent_for_exempt_for_account(conn: AsyncClient) -> int:
"""Get the minimum balance for the account to be rent exempt.
conn: RPC connection to a solana cluster.
Number of lamports required.
resp = await conn.get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(ACCOUNT_LAYOUT.sizeof())
return resp.value
async def get_min_balance_rent_for_exempt_for_mint(conn: AsyncClient) -> int:
"""Get the minimum balance for the mint to be rent exempt.
conn: RPC connection to a solana cluster.
Number of lamports required.
resp = await conn.get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(MINT_LAYOUT.sizeof())
return resp.value
async def get_min_balance_rent_for_exempt_for_multisig(conn: AsyncClient) -> int:
"""Get the minimum balance for the multisig to be rent exempt.
conn: RPC connection to a solana cluster.
Number of lamports required.
resp = await conn.get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(MULTISIG_LAYOUT.sizeof())
return resp.value
async def get_accounts_by_owner(
owner: Pubkey,
commitment: Optional[Commitment] = None,
encoding: str = "base64",
) -> GetTokenAccountsByOwnerResp:
"""Get token accounts of the provided owner.
owner: Public Key of the token account owner.
commitment: (optional) Bank state to query.
encoding: (optional) Encoding for Account data, either "base58" (slow) or "base64".
args = self._get_accounts_args(
self._conn.commitment, # pylint: disable=protected-access
return await self._conn.get_token_accounts_by_owner(*args)
async def get_accounts_by_owner_json_parsed(
owner: Pubkey,
commitment: Optional[Commitment] = None,
) -> GetTokenAccountsByOwnerJsonParsedResp:
"""Get token accounts of the provided owner by the token's mint, in JSON format.
owner: Public Key of the token account owner.
commitment: (optional) Bank state to query.
Parsed-JSON encoding attempts to use program-specific state parsers to return more
human-readable and explicit account state data. If parsed-JSON is requested but a
valid mint cannot be found for a particular account, that account will be filtered out
from results. jsonParsed encoding is UNSTABLE.
args = self._get_accounts_args(
self._conn.commitment, # pylint: disable=protected-access
return await self._conn.get_token_accounts_by_owner_json_parsed(*args)
async def get_accounts_by_delegate(
owner: Pubkey,
commitment: Optional[Commitment] = None,
encoding: str = "base64",
) -> GetTokenAccountsByDelegateResp:
"""Get token accounts of the provided delegate.
owner: Public Key of the delegate account.
commitment: (optional) Bank state to query.
encoding: (optional) Encoding for Account data, either "base58" (slow) or "base64".
args = self._get_accounts_args(
self._conn.commitment, # pylint: disable=protected-access
return await self._conn.get_token_accounts_by_delegate(*args)
async def get_accounts_by_delegate_json_parsed(
owner: Pubkey,
commitment: Optional[Commitment] = None,
encoding: str = "base64",
) -> GetTokenAccountsByDelegateJsonParsedResp:
"""Get token accounts of the provided delegate, in JSON format.
owner: Public Key of the delegate account.
commitment: (optional) Bank state to query.
encoding: (optional) Encoding for Account data, either "base58" (slow) or "base64".
Parsed-JSON encoding attempts to use program-specific state parsers to return more
human-readable and explicit account state data. If parsed-JSON is requested but a
valid mint cannot be found for a particular account, that account will be filtered out
from results. jsonParsed encoding is UNSTABLE.
args = self._get_accounts_args(
self._conn.commitment, # pylint: disable=protected-access
return await self._conn.get_token_accounts_by_delegate_json_parsed(*args)
async def get_balance(self, pubkey: Pubkey, commitment: Optional[Commitment] = None) -> GetTokenAccountBalanceResp:
"""Get the balance of the provided token account.
pubkey: Public Key of the token account.
commitment: (optional) Bank state to query.
return await self._conn.get_token_account_balance(pubkey, commitment)
async def create_mint(
conn: AsyncClient,
payer: Keypair,
mint_authority: Pubkey,
decimals: int,
program_id: Pubkey,
freeze_authority: Optional[Pubkey] = None,
skip_confirmation: bool = False,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> AsyncToken:
"""Create and initialize a token.
conn: RPC connection to a solana cluster.
payer: Fee payer for transaction.
mint_authority: Account or multisig that will control minting.
decimals: Location of the decimal place.
program_id: SPL Token program account.
freeze_authority: (optional) Account or multisig that can freeze token accounts.
skip_confirmation: (optional) Option to skip transaction confirmation.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
Token object for the newly minted token.
If skip confirmation is set to `False`, this method will block for at most 30 seconds
or until the transaction is confirmed.
# Allocate memory for the account
balance_needed = await AsyncToken.get_min_balance_rent_for_exempt_for_mint(conn)
# Construct transaction
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
token, txn, opts = _TokenCore._create_mint_args(
# Send the two instructions
await conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
return cast(AsyncToken, token)
async def create_account(
owner: Pubkey,
skip_confirmation: bool = False,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> Pubkey:
"""Create and initialize a new account.
This account may then be used as a `transfer()` or `approve()` destination.
owner: User account that will own the new account.
skip_confirmation: (optional) Option to skip transaction confirmation.
recent_blockhash (optional): A prefetched blockhash for the transaction.
Public key of the new empty account.
If skip confirmation is set to `False`, this method will block for at most 30 seconds
or until the transaction is confirmed.
balance_needed = await AsyncToken.get_min_balance_rent_for_exempt_for_account(self._conn)
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
new_account_pk, txn, opts = self._create_account_args(
owner, skip_confirmation, balance_needed, self._conn.commitment, recent_blockhash_to_use
# Send the two instructions
await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
return new_account_pk
async def create_associated_token_account(
owner: Pubkey,
skip_confirmation: bool = False,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> Pubkey:
"""Create an associated token account.
owner: User account that will own the associated token account.
skip_confirmation: (optional) Option to skip transaction confirmation.
recent_blockhash (optional): A prefetched blockhash for the transaction.
Public key of the new associated account.
If skip confirmation is set to `False`, this method will block for at most 30 seconds
or until the transaction is confirmed.
# Construct transaction
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
public_key, txn, payer, opts = self._create_associated_token_account_args(
owner, skip_confirmation, self._conn.commitment, recent_blockhash_to_use, token_program_id=self.program_id
await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
return public_key
async def create_wrapped_native_account(
conn: AsyncClient,
program_id: Pubkey,
owner: Pubkey,
payer: Keypair,
amount: int,
skip_confirmation: bool = False,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> Pubkey:
"""Create and initialize a new account on the special native token mint.
conn: RPC connection to a solana cluster.
program_id: SPL Token program account.
owner: The owner of the new token account.
payer: The source of the lamports to initialize, and payer of the initialization fees.
amount: The amount of lamports to wrap.
skip_confirmation: (optional) Option to skip transaction confirmation.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
The new token account.
If skip confirmation is set to `False`, this method will block for at most 30 seconds
or until the transaction is confirmed.
# Allocate memory for the account
balance_needed = await AsyncToken.get_min_balance_rent_for_exempt_for_account(conn)
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
) = _TokenCore._create_wrapped_native_account_args(
await conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
return new_account_public_key
async def create_multisig(
m: int,
multi_signers: List[Pubkey],
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> Pubkey: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Create and initialize a new multisig.
m: Number of required signatures.
multi_signers: Full set of signers.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
Public key of the new multisig account.
balance_needed = await AsyncToken.get_min_balance_rent_for_exempt_for_multisig(self._conn)
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, multisig = self._create_multisig_args(m, multi_signers, balance_needed, recent_blockhash_to_use)
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts_to_use)
return multisig.pubkey()
async def get_mint_info(self) -> MintInfo:
"""Retrieve mint information."""
info = await self._conn.get_account_info(self.pubkey)
return self._create_mint_info(info)
async def get_account_info(self, account: Pubkey, commitment: Optional[Commitment] = None) -> AccountInfo:
"""Retrieve account information."""
info = await self._conn.get_account_info(account, commitment)
return self._create_account_info(info)
async def transfer(
source: Pubkey,
dest: Pubkey,
owner: Union[Keypair, Pubkey],
amount: int,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Transfer tokens to another account.
source: Public key of account to transfer tokens from.
dest: Public key of account to transfer tokens to.
owner: Owner of the source account.
amount: Number of tokens to transfer.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multiSig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._transfer_args(
source, dest, owner, amount, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
async def approve(
source: Pubkey,
delegate: Pubkey,
owner: Pubkey,
amount: int,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Grant a third-party permission to transfer up the specified number of tokens from an account.
source: Public key of the source account.
delegate: Account authorized to perform a transfer tokens from the source account.
owner: Owner of the source account.
amount: Maximum number of tokens the delegate may transfer.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multiSig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, payer, signers, opts = self._approve_args(
source, delegate, owner, amount, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
async def revoke(
account: Pubkey,
owner: Pubkey,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Revoke transfer authority for a given account.
account: Source account for which transfer authority is being revoked.
owner: Owner of the source account.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multisig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, payer, signers, opts = self._revoke_args(
account, owner, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
async def set_authority(
account: Pubkey,
current_authority: Union[Keypair, Pubkey],
authority_type: spl_token.AuthorityType,
new_authority: Optional[Pubkey] = None,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Assign a new authority to the account.
account: Public key of the token account.
current_authority: Current authority of the account.
authority_type: Type of authority to set.
new_authority: (optional) New authority of the account.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multiSig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, payer, signers, opts = self._set_authority_args(
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
async def mint_to(
dest: Pubkey,
mint_authority: Union[Keypair, Pubkey],
amount: int,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Mint new tokens.
dest: Public key of the account to mint to.
mint_authority: Public key of the minting authority.
amount: Amount to mint.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multisig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
If skip confirmation is set to `False`, this method will block for at most 30 seconds
or until the transaction is confirmed.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._mint_to_args(
dest, mint_authority, amount, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
async def burn(
account: Pubkey,
owner: Pubkey,
amount: int,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Burn tokens.
account: Account to burn tokens from.
owner: Owner of the account.
amount: Amount to burn.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multiSig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._burn_args(account, owner, amount, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use)
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
async def close_account(
account: Pubkey,
dest: Pubkey,
authority: Pubkey,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Remove approval for the transfer of any remaining tokens.
account: Account to close.
dest: Account to receive the remaining balance of the closed account.
authority: Authority which is allowed to close the account.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multiSig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._close_account_args(
account, dest, authority, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
async def freeze_account(
account: Pubkey,
authority: Pubkey,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Freeze account.
account: Account to freeze.
authority: The mint freeze authority.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `authority` is a multiSig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._freeze_account_args(account, authority, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use)
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
async def thaw_account(
account: Pubkey,
authority: Pubkey,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Thaw account.
account: Account to thaw.
authority: The mint freeze authority.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `authority` is a multiSig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._thaw_account_args(account, authority, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use)
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
async def transfer_checked(
source: Pubkey,
dest: Pubkey,
owner: Pubkey,
amount: int,
decimals: int,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]],
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Transfer tokens to another account, asserting the token mint and decimals.
source: Public key of account to transfer tokens from.
dest: Public key of account to transfer tokens to.
owner: Owner of the source account.
amount: Number of tokens to transfer.
decimals: Number of decimals in transfer amount.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multiSig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._transfer_checked_args(
source, dest, owner, amount, decimals, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
async def approve_checked(
source: Pubkey,
delegate: Pubkey,
owner: Pubkey,
amount: int,
decimals: int,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Grant a third-party permission to transfer up the specified number of tokens from an account.
This method also asserts the token mint and decimals.
source: Public key of the source account.
delegate: Account authorized to perform a transfer tokens from the source account.
owner: Owner of the source account.
amount: Maximum number of tokens the delegate may transfer.
decimals: Number of decimals in approve amount.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multisig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash (optional): A prefetched blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._approve_checked_args(
source, delegate, owner, amount, decimals, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
async def mint_to_checked(
dest: Pubkey,
mint_authority: Pubkey,
amount: int,
decimals: int,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Mint new tokens, asserting the token mint and decimals.
dest: Public key of the account to mint to.
mint_authority: Public key of the minting authority.
amount: Amount to mint.
decimals: Number of decimals in amount to mint.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multiSig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash (optional): A prefetched blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._mint_to_checked_args(
dest, mint_authority, amount, decimals, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
async def burn_checked(
account: Pubkey,
owner: Pubkey,
amount: int,
decimals: int,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Burn tokens, asserting the token mint and decimals.
account: Account to burn tokens from.
owner: Owner of the account.
amount: Amount to burn.
decimals: Number of decimals in amount to burn.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multisig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._burn_checked_args(
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
approve(self, source, delegate, owner, amount, multi_signers=None, opts=None, recent_blockhash=None)
Grant a third-party permission to transfer up the specified number of tokens from an account.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
source |
Pubkey |
Public key of the source account. |
required |
delegate |
Pubkey |
Account authorized to perform a transfer tokens from the source account. |
required |
owner |
Pubkey |
Owner of the source account. |
required |
amount |
int |
Maximum number of tokens the delegate may transfer. |
required |
multi_signers |
Optional[List[Keypair]] |
(optional) Signing accounts if |
None |
opts |
Optional[TxOpts] |
(optional) Transaction options. |
None |
recent_blockhash |
Optional[Blockhash] |
(optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction. |
None |
Source code in spl/token/
async def approve(
source: Pubkey,
delegate: Pubkey,
owner: Pubkey,
amount: int,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Grant a third-party permission to transfer up the specified number of tokens from an account.
source: Public key of the source account.
delegate: Account authorized to perform a transfer tokens from the source account.
owner: Owner of the source account.
amount: Maximum number of tokens the delegate may transfer.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multiSig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, payer, signers, opts = self._approve_args(
source, delegate, owner, amount, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
approve_checked(self, source, delegate, owner, amount, decimals, multi_signers=None, opts=None, recent_blockhash=None)
Grant a third-party permission to transfer up the specified number of tokens from an account.
This method also asserts the token mint and decimals.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
source |
Pubkey |
Public key of the source account. |
required |
delegate |
Pubkey |
Account authorized to perform a transfer tokens from the source account. |
required |
owner |
Pubkey |
Owner of the source account. |
required |
amount |
int |
Maximum number of tokens the delegate may transfer. |
required |
decimals |
int |
Number of decimals in approve amount. |
required |
multi_signers |
Optional[List[Keypair]] |
(optional) Signing accounts if |
None |
opts |
Optional[TxOpts] |
(optional) Transaction options. |
None |
recent_blockhash |
optional |
A prefetched blockhash for the transaction. |
None |
Source code in spl/token/
async def approve_checked(
source: Pubkey,
delegate: Pubkey,
owner: Pubkey,
amount: int,
decimals: int,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Grant a third-party permission to transfer up the specified number of tokens from an account.
This method also asserts the token mint and decimals.
source: Public key of the source account.
delegate: Account authorized to perform a transfer tokens from the source account.
owner: Owner of the source account.
amount: Maximum number of tokens the delegate may transfer.
decimals: Number of decimals in approve amount.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multisig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash (optional): A prefetched blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._approve_checked_args(
source, delegate, owner, amount, decimals, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
burn(self, account, owner, amount, multi_signers=None, opts=None, recent_blockhash=None)
Burn tokens.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
account |
Pubkey |
Account to burn tokens from. |
required |
owner |
Pubkey |
Owner of the account. |
required |
amount |
int |
Amount to burn. |
required |
multi_signers |
Optional[List[Keypair]] |
(optional) Signing accounts if |
None |
opts |
Optional[TxOpts] |
(optional) Transaction options. |
None |
recent_blockhash |
Optional[Blockhash] |
(optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction. |
None |
Source code in spl/token/
async def burn(
account: Pubkey,
owner: Pubkey,
amount: int,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Burn tokens.
account: Account to burn tokens from.
owner: Owner of the account.
amount: Amount to burn.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multiSig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._burn_args(account, owner, amount, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use)
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
burn_checked(self, account, owner, amount, decimals, multi_signers=None, opts=None, recent_blockhash=None)
Burn tokens, asserting the token mint and decimals.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
account |
Pubkey |
Account to burn tokens from. |
required |
owner |
Pubkey |
Owner of the account. |
required |
amount |
int |
Amount to burn. |
required |
decimals |
int |
Number of decimals in amount to burn. |
required |
multi_signers |
Optional[List[Keypair]] |
(optional) Signing accounts if |
None |
opts |
Optional[TxOpts] |
(optional) Transaction options. |
None |
recent_blockhash |
Optional[Blockhash] |
(optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction. |
None |
Source code in spl/token/
async def burn_checked(
account: Pubkey,
owner: Pubkey,
amount: int,
decimals: int,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Burn tokens, asserting the token mint and decimals.
account: Account to burn tokens from.
owner: Owner of the account.
amount: Amount to burn.
decimals: Number of decimals in amount to burn.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multisig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._burn_checked_args(
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
close_account(self, account, dest, authority, multi_signers=None, opts=None, recent_blockhash=None)
Remove approval for the transfer of any remaining tokens.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
account |
Pubkey |
Account to close. |
required |
dest |
Pubkey |
Account to receive the remaining balance of the closed account. |
required |
authority |
Pubkey |
Authority which is allowed to close the account. |
required |
multi_signers |
Optional[List[Keypair]] |
(optional) Signing accounts if |
None |
opts |
Optional[TxOpts] |
(optional) Transaction options. |
None |
recent_blockhash |
Optional[Blockhash] |
(optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction. |
None |
Source code in spl/token/
async def close_account(
account: Pubkey,
dest: Pubkey,
authority: Pubkey,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Remove approval for the transfer of any remaining tokens.
account: Account to close.
dest: Account to receive the remaining balance of the closed account.
authority: Authority which is allowed to close the account.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multiSig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._close_account_args(
account, dest, authority, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
create_account(self, owner, skip_confirmation=False, recent_blockhash=None)
Create and initialize a new account.
This account may then be used as a transfer()
or approve()
Name | Type | Description | Default |
owner |
Pubkey |
User account that will own the new account. |
required |
skip_confirmation |
bool |
(optional) Option to skip transaction confirmation. |
False |
recent_blockhash |
optional |
A prefetched blockhash for the transaction. |
None |
Type | Description |
Pubkey |
Public key of the new empty account. |
If skip confirmation is set to False
, this method will block for at most 30 seconds
or until the transaction is confirmed.
Source code in spl/token/
async def create_account(
owner: Pubkey,
skip_confirmation: bool = False,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> Pubkey:
"""Create and initialize a new account.
This account may then be used as a `transfer()` or `approve()` destination.
owner: User account that will own the new account.
skip_confirmation: (optional) Option to skip transaction confirmation.
recent_blockhash (optional): A prefetched blockhash for the transaction.
Public key of the new empty account.
If skip confirmation is set to `False`, this method will block for at most 30 seconds
or until the transaction is confirmed.
balance_needed = await AsyncToken.get_min_balance_rent_for_exempt_for_account(self._conn)
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
new_account_pk, txn, opts = self._create_account_args(
owner, skip_confirmation, balance_needed, self._conn.commitment, recent_blockhash_to_use
# Send the two instructions
await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
return new_account_pk
create_associated_token_account(self, owner, skip_confirmation=False, recent_blockhash=None)
Create an associated token account.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
owner |
Pubkey |
User account that will own the associated token account. |
required |
skip_confirmation |
bool |
(optional) Option to skip transaction confirmation. |
False |
recent_blockhash |
optional |
A prefetched blockhash for the transaction. |
None |
Type | Description |
Pubkey |
Public key of the new associated account. |
If skip confirmation is set to False
, this method will block for at most 30 seconds
or until the transaction is confirmed.
Source code in spl/token/
async def create_associated_token_account(
owner: Pubkey,
skip_confirmation: bool = False,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> Pubkey:
"""Create an associated token account.
owner: User account that will own the associated token account.
skip_confirmation: (optional) Option to skip transaction confirmation.
recent_blockhash (optional): A prefetched blockhash for the transaction.
Public key of the new associated account.
If skip confirmation is set to `False`, this method will block for at most 30 seconds
or until the transaction is confirmed.
# Construct transaction
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
public_key, txn, payer, opts = self._create_associated_token_account_args(
owner, skip_confirmation, self._conn.commitment, recent_blockhash_to_use, token_program_id=self.program_id
await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
return public_key
create_mint(conn, payer, mint_authority, decimals, program_id, freeze_authority=None, skip_confirmation=False, recent_blockhash=None)
Create and initialize a token.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
conn |
AsyncClient |
RPC connection to a solana cluster. |
required |
payer |
Keypair |
Fee payer for transaction. |
required |
mint_authority |
Pubkey |
Account or multisig that will control minting. |
required |
decimals |
int |
Location of the decimal place. |
required |
program_id |
Pubkey |
SPL Token program account. |
required |
freeze_authority |
Optional[Pubkey] |
(optional) Account or multisig that can freeze token accounts. |
None |
skip_confirmation |
bool |
(optional) Option to skip transaction confirmation. |
False |
recent_blockhash |
Optional[Blockhash] |
(optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction. |
None |
Type | Description |
AsyncToken |
Token object for the newly minted token. |
If skip confirmation is set to False
, this method will block for at most 30 seconds
or until the transaction is confirmed.
Source code in spl/token/
async def create_mint(
conn: AsyncClient,
payer: Keypair,
mint_authority: Pubkey,
decimals: int,
program_id: Pubkey,
freeze_authority: Optional[Pubkey] = None,
skip_confirmation: bool = False,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> AsyncToken:
"""Create and initialize a token.
conn: RPC connection to a solana cluster.
payer: Fee payer for transaction.
mint_authority: Account or multisig that will control minting.
decimals: Location of the decimal place.
program_id: SPL Token program account.
freeze_authority: (optional) Account or multisig that can freeze token accounts.
skip_confirmation: (optional) Option to skip transaction confirmation.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
Token object for the newly minted token.
If skip confirmation is set to `False`, this method will block for at most 30 seconds
or until the transaction is confirmed.
# Allocate memory for the account
balance_needed = await AsyncToken.get_min_balance_rent_for_exempt_for_mint(conn)
# Construct transaction
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
token, txn, opts = _TokenCore._create_mint_args(
# Send the two instructions
await conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
return cast(AsyncToken, token)
create_multisig(self, m, multi_signers, opts=None, recent_blockhash=None)
Create and initialize a new multisig.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
m |
int |
Number of required signatures. |
required |
multi_signers |
List[Pubkey] |
Full set of signers. |
required |
opts |
Optional[TxOpts] |
(optional) Transaction options. |
None |
recent_blockhash |
Optional[Blockhash] |
(optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction. |
None |
Type | Description |
Pubkey |
Public key of the new multisig account. |
Source code in spl/token/
async def create_multisig(
m: int,
multi_signers: List[Pubkey],
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> Pubkey: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Create and initialize a new multisig.
m: Number of required signatures.
multi_signers: Full set of signers.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
Public key of the new multisig account.
balance_needed = await AsyncToken.get_min_balance_rent_for_exempt_for_multisig(self._conn)
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, multisig = self._create_multisig_args(m, multi_signers, balance_needed, recent_blockhash_to_use)
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts_to_use)
return multisig.pubkey()
create_wrapped_native_account(conn, program_id, owner, payer, amount, skip_confirmation=False, recent_blockhash=None)
Create and initialize a new account on the special native token mint.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
conn |
AsyncClient |
RPC connection to a solana cluster. |
required |
program_id |
Pubkey |
SPL Token program account. |
required |
owner |
Pubkey |
The owner of the new token account. |
required |
payer |
Keypair |
The source of the lamports to initialize, and payer of the initialization fees. |
required |
amount |
int |
The amount of lamports to wrap. |
required |
skip_confirmation |
bool |
(optional) Option to skip transaction confirmation. |
False |
recent_blockhash |
Optional[Blockhash] |
(optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction. |
None |
Type | Description |
Pubkey |
The new token account. |
If skip confirmation is set to False
, this method will block for at most 30 seconds
or until the transaction is confirmed.
Source code in spl/token/
async def create_wrapped_native_account(
conn: AsyncClient,
program_id: Pubkey,
owner: Pubkey,
payer: Keypair,
amount: int,
skip_confirmation: bool = False,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> Pubkey:
"""Create and initialize a new account on the special native token mint.
conn: RPC connection to a solana cluster.
program_id: SPL Token program account.
owner: The owner of the new token account.
payer: The source of the lamports to initialize, and payer of the initialization fees.
amount: The amount of lamports to wrap.
skip_confirmation: (optional) Option to skip transaction confirmation.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
The new token account.
If skip confirmation is set to `False`, this method will block for at most 30 seconds
or until the transaction is confirmed.
# Allocate memory for the account
balance_needed = await AsyncToken.get_min_balance_rent_for_exempt_for_account(conn)
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
) = _TokenCore._create_wrapped_native_account_args(
await conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
return new_account_public_key
freeze_account(self, account, authority, multi_signers=None, opts=None, recent_blockhash=None)
Freeze account.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
account |
Pubkey |
Account to freeze. |
required |
authority |
Pubkey |
The mint freeze authority. |
required |
multi_signers |
Optional[List[Keypair]] |
(optional) Signing accounts if |
None |
opts |
Optional[TxOpts] |
(optional) Transaction options. |
None |
recent_blockhash |
Optional[Blockhash] |
(optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction. |
None |
Source code in spl/token/
async def freeze_account(
account: Pubkey,
authority: Pubkey,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Freeze account.
account: Account to freeze.
authority: The mint freeze authority.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `authority` is a multiSig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._freeze_account_args(account, authority, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use)
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
get_account_info(self, account, commitment=None)
Retrieve account information.
Source code in spl/token/
async def get_account_info(self, account: Pubkey, commitment: Optional[Commitment] = None) -> AccountInfo:
"""Retrieve account information."""
info = await self._conn.get_account_info(account, commitment)
return self._create_account_info(info)
get_accounts_by_delegate(self, owner, commitment=None, encoding='base64')
Get token accounts of the provided delegate.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
owner |
Pubkey |
Public Key of the delegate account. |
required |
commitment |
Optional[Commitment] |
(optional) Bank state to query. |
None |
encoding |
str |
(optional) Encoding for Account data, either "base58" (slow) or "base64". |
'base64' |
Source code in spl/token/
async def get_accounts_by_delegate(
owner: Pubkey,
commitment: Optional[Commitment] = None,
encoding: str = "base64",
) -> GetTokenAccountsByDelegateResp:
"""Get token accounts of the provided delegate.
owner: Public Key of the delegate account.
commitment: (optional) Bank state to query.
encoding: (optional) Encoding for Account data, either "base58" (slow) or "base64".
args = self._get_accounts_args(
self._conn.commitment, # pylint: disable=protected-access
return await self._conn.get_token_accounts_by_delegate(*args)
get_accounts_by_delegate_json_parsed(self, owner, commitment=None, encoding='base64')
Get token accounts of the provided delegate, in JSON format.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
owner |
Pubkey |
Public Key of the delegate account. |
required |
commitment |
Optional[Commitment] |
(optional) Bank state to query. |
None |
encoding |
str |
(optional) Encoding for Account data, either "base58" (slow) or "base64". |
'base64' |
Parsed-JSON encoding attempts to use program-specific state parsers to return more human-readable and explicit account state data. If parsed-JSON is requested but a valid mint cannot be found for a particular account, that account will be filtered out from results. jsonParsed encoding is UNSTABLE.
Source code in spl/token/
async def get_accounts_by_delegate_json_parsed(
owner: Pubkey,
commitment: Optional[Commitment] = None,
encoding: str = "base64",
) -> GetTokenAccountsByDelegateJsonParsedResp:
"""Get token accounts of the provided delegate, in JSON format.
owner: Public Key of the delegate account.
commitment: (optional) Bank state to query.
encoding: (optional) Encoding for Account data, either "base58" (slow) or "base64".
Parsed-JSON encoding attempts to use program-specific state parsers to return more
human-readable and explicit account state data. If parsed-JSON is requested but a
valid mint cannot be found for a particular account, that account will be filtered out
from results. jsonParsed encoding is UNSTABLE.
args = self._get_accounts_args(
self._conn.commitment, # pylint: disable=protected-access
return await self._conn.get_token_accounts_by_delegate_json_parsed(*args)
get_accounts_by_owner(self, owner, commitment=None, encoding='base64')
Get token accounts of the provided owner.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
owner |
Pubkey |
Public Key of the token account owner. |
required |
commitment |
Optional[Commitment] |
(optional) Bank state to query. |
None |
encoding |
str |
(optional) Encoding for Account data, either "base58" (slow) or "base64". |
'base64' |
Source code in spl/token/
async def get_accounts_by_owner(
owner: Pubkey,
commitment: Optional[Commitment] = None,
encoding: str = "base64",
) -> GetTokenAccountsByOwnerResp:
"""Get token accounts of the provided owner.
owner: Public Key of the token account owner.
commitment: (optional) Bank state to query.
encoding: (optional) Encoding for Account data, either "base58" (slow) or "base64".
args = self._get_accounts_args(
self._conn.commitment, # pylint: disable=protected-access
return await self._conn.get_token_accounts_by_owner(*args)
get_accounts_by_owner_json_parsed(self, owner, commitment=None)
Get token accounts of the provided owner by the token's mint, in JSON format.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
owner |
Pubkey |
Public Key of the token account owner. |
required |
commitment |
Optional[Commitment] |
(optional) Bank state to query. |
None |
Parsed-JSON encoding attempts to use program-specific state parsers to return more human-readable and explicit account state data. If parsed-JSON is requested but a valid mint cannot be found for a particular account, that account will be filtered out from results. jsonParsed encoding is UNSTABLE.
Source code in spl/token/
async def get_accounts_by_owner_json_parsed(
owner: Pubkey,
commitment: Optional[Commitment] = None,
) -> GetTokenAccountsByOwnerJsonParsedResp:
"""Get token accounts of the provided owner by the token's mint, in JSON format.
owner: Public Key of the token account owner.
commitment: (optional) Bank state to query.
Parsed-JSON encoding attempts to use program-specific state parsers to return more
human-readable and explicit account state data. If parsed-JSON is requested but a
valid mint cannot be found for a particular account, that account will be filtered out
from results. jsonParsed encoding is UNSTABLE.
args = self._get_accounts_args(
self._conn.commitment, # pylint: disable=protected-access
return await self._conn.get_token_accounts_by_owner_json_parsed(*args)
get_balance(self, pubkey, commitment=None)
Get the balance of the provided token account.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
pubkey |
Pubkey |
Public Key of the token account. |
required |
commitment |
Optional[Commitment] |
(optional) Bank state to query. |
None |
Source code in spl/token/
async def get_balance(self, pubkey: Pubkey, commitment: Optional[Commitment] = None) -> GetTokenAccountBalanceResp:
"""Get the balance of the provided token account.
pubkey: Public Key of the token account.
commitment: (optional) Bank state to query.
return await self._conn.get_token_account_balance(pubkey, commitment)
Get the minimum balance for the account to be rent exempt.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
conn |
AsyncClient |
RPC connection to a solana cluster. |
required |
Type | Description |
int |
Number of lamports required. |
Source code in spl/token/
async def get_min_balance_rent_for_exempt_for_account(conn: AsyncClient) -> int:
"""Get the minimum balance for the account to be rent exempt.
conn: RPC connection to a solana cluster.
Number of lamports required.
resp = await conn.get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(ACCOUNT_LAYOUT.sizeof())
return resp.value
Get the minimum balance for the mint to be rent exempt.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
conn |
AsyncClient |
RPC connection to a solana cluster. |
required |
Type | Description |
int |
Number of lamports required. |
Source code in spl/token/
async def get_min_balance_rent_for_exempt_for_mint(conn: AsyncClient) -> int:
"""Get the minimum balance for the mint to be rent exempt.
conn: RPC connection to a solana cluster.
Number of lamports required.
resp = await conn.get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(MINT_LAYOUT.sizeof())
return resp.value
Get the minimum balance for the multisig to be rent exempt.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
conn |
AsyncClient |
RPC connection to a solana cluster. |
required |
Type | Description |
int |
Number of lamports required. |
Source code in spl/token/
async def get_min_balance_rent_for_exempt_for_multisig(conn: AsyncClient) -> int:
"""Get the minimum balance for the multisig to be rent exempt.
conn: RPC connection to a solana cluster.
Number of lamports required.
resp = await conn.get_minimum_balance_for_rent_exemption(MULTISIG_LAYOUT.sizeof())
return resp.value
Retrieve mint information.
Source code in spl/token/
async def get_mint_info(self) -> MintInfo:
"""Retrieve mint information."""
info = await self._conn.get_account_info(self.pubkey)
return self._create_mint_info(info)
mint_to(self, dest, mint_authority, amount, multi_signers=None, opts=None, recent_blockhash=None)
Mint new tokens.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
dest |
Pubkey |
Public key of the account to mint to. |
required |
mint_authority |
Union[Keypair, Pubkey] |
Public key of the minting authority. |
required |
amount |
int |
Amount to mint. |
required |
multi_signers |
Optional[List[Keypair]] |
(optional) Signing accounts if |
None |
opts |
Optional[TxOpts] |
(optional) Transaction options. |
None |
recent_blockhash |
Optional[Blockhash] |
(optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction. |
None |
If skip confirmation is set to False
, this method will block for at most 30 seconds
or until the transaction is confirmed.
Source code in spl/token/
async def mint_to(
dest: Pubkey,
mint_authority: Union[Keypair, Pubkey],
amount: int,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Mint new tokens.
dest: Public key of the account to mint to.
mint_authority: Public key of the minting authority.
amount: Amount to mint.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multisig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
If skip confirmation is set to `False`, this method will block for at most 30 seconds
or until the transaction is confirmed.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._mint_to_args(
dest, mint_authority, amount, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
mint_to_checked(self, dest, mint_authority, amount, decimals, multi_signers=None, opts=None, recent_blockhash=None)
Mint new tokens, asserting the token mint and decimals.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
dest |
Pubkey |
Public key of the account to mint to. |
required |
mint_authority |
Pubkey |
Public key of the minting authority. |
required |
amount |
int |
Amount to mint. |
required |
decimals |
int |
Number of decimals in amount to mint. |
required |
multi_signers |
Optional[List[Keypair]] |
(optional) Signing accounts if |
None |
opts |
Optional[TxOpts] |
(optional) Transaction options. |
None |
recent_blockhash |
optional |
A prefetched blockhash for the transaction. |
None |
Source code in spl/token/
async def mint_to_checked(
dest: Pubkey,
mint_authority: Pubkey,
amount: int,
decimals: int,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Mint new tokens, asserting the token mint and decimals.
dest: Public key of the account to mint to.
mint_authority: Public key of the minting authority.
amount: Amount to mint.
decimals: Number of decimals in amount to mint.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multiSig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash (optional): A prefetched blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._mint_to_checked_args(
dest, mint_authority, amount, decimals, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
revoke(self, account, owner, multi_signers=None, opts=None, recent_blockhash=None)
Revoke transfer authority for a given account.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
account |
Pubkey |
Source account for which transfer authority is being revoked. |
required |
owner |
Pubkey |
Owner of the source account. |
required |
multi_signers |
Optional[List[Keypair]] |
(optional) Signing accounts if |
None |
opts |
Optional[TxOpts] |
(optional) Transaction options. |
None |
recent_blockhash |
Optional[Blockhash] |
(optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction. |
None |
Source code in spl/token/
async def revoke(
account: Pubkey,
owner: Pubkey,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Revoke transfer authority for a given account.
account: Source account for which transfer authority is being revoked.
owner: Owner of the source account.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multisig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, payer, signers, opts = self._revoke_args(
account, owner, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
set_authority(self, account, current_authority, authority_type, new_authority=None, multi_signers=None, opts=None, recent_blockhash=None)
Assign a new authority to the account.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
account |
Pubkey |
Public key of the token account. |
required |
current_authority |
Union[Keypair, Pubkey] |
Current authority of the account. |
required |
authority_type |
spl_token.AuthorityType |
Type of authority to set. |
required |
new_authority |
Optional[Pubkey] |
(optional) New authority of the account. |
None |
multi_signers |
Optional[List[Keypair]] |
(optional) Signing accounts if |
None |
opts |
Optional[TxOpts] |
(optional) Transaction options. |
None |
recent_blockhash |
Optional[Blockhash] |
(optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction. |
None |
Source code in spl/token/
async def set_authority(
account: Pubkey,
current_authority: Union[Keypair, Pubkey],
authority_type: spl_token.AuthorityType,
new_authority: Optional[Pubkey] = None,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Assign a new authority to the account.
account: Public key of the token account.
current_authority: Current authority of the account.
authority_type: Type of authority to set.
new_authority: (optional) New authority of the account.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multiSig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, payer, signers, opts = self._set_authority_args(
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
thaw_account(self, account, authority, multi_signers=None, opts=None, recent_blockhash=None)
Thaw account.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
account |
Pubkey |
Account to thaw. |
required |
authority |
Pubkey |
The mint freeze authority. |
required |
multi_signers |
Optional[List[Keypair]] |
(optional) Signing accounts if |
None |
opts |
Optional[TxOpts] |
(optional) Transaction options. |
None |
recent_blockhash |
Optional[Blockhash] |
(optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction. |
None |
Source code in spl/token/
async def thaw_account(
account: Pubkey,
authority: Pubkey,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Thaw account.
account: Account to thaw.
authority: The mint freeze authority.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `authority` is a multiSig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._thaw_account_args(account, authority, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use)
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
transfer(self, source, dest, owner, amount, multi_signers=None, opts=None, recent_blockhash=None)
Transfer tokens to another account.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
source |
Pubkey |
Public key of account to transfer tokens from. |
required |
dest |
Pubkey |
Public key of account to transfer tokens to. |
required |
owner |
Union[Keypair, Pubkey] |
Owner of the source account. |
required |
amount |
int |
Number of tokens to transfer. |
required |
multi_signers |
Optional[List[Keypair]] |
(optional) Signing accounts if |
None |
opts |
Optional[TxOpts] |
(optional) Transaction options. |
None |
recent_blockhash |
Optional[Blockhash] |
(optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction. |
None |
Source code in spl/token/
async def transfer(
source: Pubkey,
dest: Pubkey,
owner: Union[Keypair, Pubkey],
amount: int,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]] = None,
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Transfer tokens to another account.
source: Public key of account to transfer tokens from.
dest: Public key of account to transfer tokens to.
owner: Owner of the source account.
amount: Number of tokens to transfer.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multiSig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._transfer_args(
source, dest, owner, amount, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)
transfer_checked(self, source, dest, owner, amount, decimals, multi_signers, opts=None, recent_blockhash=None)
Transfer tokens to another account, asserting the token mint and decimals.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
source |
Pubkey |
Public key of account to transfer tokens from. |
required |
dest |
Pubkey |
Public key of account to transfer tokens to. |
required |
owner |
Pubkey |
Owner of the source account. |
required |
amount |
int |
Number of tokens to transfer. |
required |
decimals |
int |
Number of decimals in transfer amount. |
required |
multi_signers |
Optional[List[Keypair]] |
(optional) Signing accounts if |
required |
opts |
Optional[TxOpts] |
(optional) Transaction options. |
None |
recent_blockhash |
Optional[Blockhash] |
(optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction. |
None |
Source code in spl/token/
async def transfer_checked(
source: Pubkey,
dest: Pubkey,
owner: Pubkey,
amount: int,
decimals: int,
multi_signers: Optional[List[Keypair]],
opts: Optional[TxOpts] = None,
recent_blockhash: Optional[Blockhash] = None,
) -> SendTransactionResp:
"""Transfer tokens to another account, asserting the token mint and decimals.
source: Public key of account to transfer tokens from.
dest: Public key of account to transfer tokens to.
owner: Owner of the source account.
amount: Number of tokens to transfer.
decimals: Number of decimals in transfer amount.
multi_signers: (optional) Signing accounts if `owner` is a multiSig.
opts: (optional) Transaction options.
recent_blockhash: (optional) a prefetched Blockhash for the transaction.
opts_to_use = TxOpts(preflight_commitment=self._conn.commitment) if opts is None else opts
recent_blockhash_to_use = (
(await self._conn.get_latest_blockhash()).value.blockhash if recent_blockhash is None else recent_blockhash
txn, opts = self._transfer_checked_args(
source, dest, owner, amount, decimals, multi_signers, opts_to_use, recent_blockhash_to_use
return await self._conn.send_transaction(txn, opts=opts)